WasteX Engine

AI Powered Cloud-Native Database

Contact Us

Welcome to our AI-driven database! We specialize in curating and integrating data seamlessly with partner and client databases. Committed to ongoing enhancements, we ensure your information stays current. With meticulous human oversight, we guarantee data integrity for your decision-making. Experience the power of data in your hands with us.


Material: Aluminum (14 g)
Carbon Footprint: 104.3 g
Carbon Avoidance: 99.4 g


Material: PET 1 (10 g) PP 5 (1.5 g)
Carbon Footprint: 27.05 g
Carbon Avoidance: 18.10 g

WasteX in action

Our system processes waste scans at disposal and creates data points that can guide organizational decisions around sustainability and waste management. Understand key data points such as the following:

Total C02 avoidance (All time)
metric tons
Total C02 footprint (All time)
metric tons
Total plastic
Total metal
Total paper
Total glass

Book a demo

Learn how we can help you transform the way your organization collects, analyzes, reports and approaches waste disposal.


Total Scans: ......

Total CO2 Footprint: .......

Total CO2 Avoidance: ........

Total Plastic: ........

Total Metal: ........

Total Paper: ...........

Total Glass: ...........

Total Scans: ......

Total CO2 Footprint: .......

Total CO2 Avoidance: ........

Total Plastic: ........

Total Metal: ........

Total Paper: ...........

Total Glass: ...........

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